Résumé Writing Workshop (Singapore).

Résumé Writing Workshop Singapore: Résumés (and CVs) go beyond job consideration tools. A résumé is a perspective document — your self-made invitation to an interview with the job you want. In other words, a résumé is not about what you can do, but what qualities you want an interviewer or organisation to see in you. In this course on résumé-writing, we will design and create benefit-driven stories that are career-centric and not self-centered. This workshop is best suited to career-seekers in Singapore and the region who want to rebrand, reinvent, and represent themselves to the role, the responsibility, and the organisation of their choice. The Quantico Company Pte Ltd is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organisation. This workshop has undergone and been certified by international quality assurance testing and audit.

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Résumé Writing Workshop Overview.

Résumés are documents for influence: a specific form of copywriting that sells a specific product — you. From simple PDFs to state-of-the-art web apps and online portfolios, résumés are as diverse and abstract as the people they are designed by and desgined for. This workshop will focus on you — the owner of the résumé — and help you construct a story that employers want to know and be a part of.

Cost + Subsidy:
S$550 nett.
Inclusive of all taxes
PIC Eligibility Criteria [+]

1-day workshop
9:30am – 4:30pm

No content knowledge is assumed. (Conducted in English)
Participants are free to bring their own computers or tablets.
Modules mix communication theory with hiring trends and career portfolio applications.

In-person teaching and delivery.
Tutorial-based modules.
1:4 (instructor-student ratio).

All your learning materials and module notes are part of the workshop. Participants are encouraged to bring their own CVs, past employment histories, and work queries so as to maximise individual attention.

Résumé Writing Workshops are conducted at one of Quantico’s training facilities at Raffles Place, Shenton Way, United Square, or Asia Square (Singapore).


Résumé Writing Workshop Topics.

Understanding You: The Product You’re Selling
Understanding Them: The Product They’re Hiring
Primary Résumé Writing Styles for Singapore’s Markets
Job Applications Tell Stories, Not Reports
Résumé Formats on Mobile, Social, and New Technologies
CVs: Strategic Objective Identification
Résumés Continue Off The Page
Write to Active Participants, Not Passive Recipients
What to Include and Exclude in Your Résumé
Organising Résumés for Digital and Print Formats
Writing More Than One Résumé
Upgrading, Editing and Future-Proofing Résumés
Writing the Supporting Cover Letter
Psychology of Applicant Selection and Elimination
Integrating Your Online and Offline Career Presence
Standing Out ≠ Outstanding: 4 Reasons Résumés Fail

Demonstrating Competencies in Your Résumé
The Behaviour-Based Résumé, or
The Attention-Based Résumé
Beyond Words: Visual Design in Résumés
Résumé Layouts and Typefaces
Supporting Your Skills with Data
Résumé Sentiment Analysis
Adding Video / Multimedia to Your Résumé
Language and Cultural Considerations
You’ve Been Shortlisted: Another Résumé Required?
Let’s Do This: Real-Time Résumé-Writing
The Interview Process: What’s Asked vs What’s Expected
Order of Competencies and Skills
Personal Statements and Interview Touchpoints
CV or Résumé or Bio?
You’ve Got The Interview: What’s Next?


Workshop Takeaways.

There’s a lot of résumé-writing advice. If we try to do everything, we end up with nothing. In other words, a résumé serves a specific purpose: merging objective skills with subjective opinion. We will learn to not only create a résumé for the next job, but for the two others after that. Your résumé is a future-proof document. Let’s learn how to write and how to think about writing for the future job of your choice. You will also learn how to create more than one résumé, depending on who your interviewer is, the job position, the industry you are targeting, and the country you are in.

On completion of this workshop, you will be able to:
Write a professional résumé that works for the Singapore and ASEAN job markets
Organise your skills, talents, and activities in the order that employers expect
Persuade through written and unwritten communication
Design a visually-appealing résumé that communicates personality and professionalism
Identify language cues that match hiring trends
Understand why employers use résumés and when they do not
Go beyond the traditional résumé format to communicate professional stories


Workshop Learning Objectives.

You will be able to understand the Singapore and ASEAN job market and write résumés that stand out in countries with diverse cultures. You will also learn how to create résumés that address both the expressed and unexpressed requirements and expectations of job listings, and craft speculative résumés that use the power of brand, conversations, and narratives. There are no conditions or pre-requisites for attending this workshop. However, please note that priority may be given to delegates who possess urgent job-seeking requirements.

Beyond the Workshop: Support doesn’t stop when the workshop is over. After all, you might be sending your résumé out in a week after the workshop ends, or even a month or year later. We know a thing or two about the process, and the importance of having an expert and human being look over your résumé from time to time. As a participant of lifelong learning at Quantico you have access to your workshop instructor(s) for as long as you require. We’ve been helping participants write phenomenal résumés since 2005. Your résumé is a constant work in progress; that is the nature of such documents. Your workshop gives you everything you need to write the best résumé. Your post-workshop support keeps the momentum going. Quantico’s community support is free and for life. Keep in touch and keep coming back for more help, insights, and strategies on building your perfect résumé.


Résumé Writing Workshop Schedule 2019.

Résumé Writing Workshop (Jul 2017)
Résumé Writing Workshop in Singapore
16 Collyer Quay #20-00 049318 Singapore
Quantico Training Centre

Lead Instructor: Deepa Vijayan

Résumé Writing Workshop (Aug 2017)
Résumé Writing Workshop in Singapore
16 Collyer Quay #20-00 049318 Singapore
Quantico Training Centre

Lead Instructor: Deepa Vijayan

Résumé Writing Workshop (Sep 2017)
Résumé Writing Workshop in Singapore
16 Collyer Quay #20-00 049318 Singapore
Quantico Training Centre

Lead Instructor: Deepa Vijayan

Résumé Writing Workshop (Oct 2017)
Résumé Writing Workshop in Singapore
16 Collyer Quay #20-00 049318 Singapore
Quantico Training Centre

Lead Instructor: Deepa Vijayan

Résumé Writing Workshop (Nov 2017)
Résumé Writing Workshop in Singapore
16 Collyer Quay #20-00 049318 Singapore
Quantico Training Centre

Lead Instructor: Deepa Vijayan

Résumé Writing Workshop (Dec 2017)
Résumé Writing Workshop in Singapore
16 Collyer Quay #20-00 049318 Singapore
Quantico Training Centre

Lead Instructor: Deepa Vijayan

Résumé-Writing Workshop Enrolment.



Book and reserve your place at your workshop.

Use this option to:
• reserve a place at your workshop now and make payment at a later date.
• pay via bank transfer; cheque; credit card (at a later date); GIRO; government portal.
• receive your workshop and invoice details within a few hours.

Résumé-Writing Workshop
[contact-form-7 id=”10692″ title=”Resume Writing Workshop”]
Instant Technical Help: If you encounter any technical issues with your form or your enrolment, please get in touch with us directly at +(65) 6573 7370 or send an email to group@qc.sg. For emails, we will typically respond with technical help in under 15 minutes.
Data Protection and Privacy: Quantico Communications LLP is fully committed to protecting your data and privacy rights, and acts in conformity with Singapore’s [+] Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). Data collected here is used solely for the purposes of registration and/or to call/email or communicate with you about your workshops. For all PDPA and data-collection queries, please contact our Data Protection Officer at +(65) 6818 9808 or email skills@quantico.com.sg
Uniformed Services: If you are a part of a uniformed services organization you may be eligible to apply for an internal subsidy for your training workshop and course at Quantico. This subsidy is for all gazetted uniformed services (the armed forces, police force, civil defence, medical organisations, and uniformed youth groups) approved by the Republic of Singapore.

Immediate Enrolment.

Enrol immediately if paying with debit / credit / charge card.

Use this option to:
• pay via debit, credit, or charge card now.
• confirm your place at your workshop immediately.
• receive your workshop confirmation and receipt straightaway.

[simpay id=”12026″]

Your data security is important. After submitting, please allow up to 60 seconds for your details to be securely processed. Please refer to our Policies and Terms and Conditions [+] (opens in new tab) for complete details on PDPA (Singapore) and GDPR (Europe and the UK) requirements. Need assistance? Quantico is fully PCI Compliant [+]. Please give us a call at +(65) 6573 7370 if you prefer to pay over the phone, or in person.

Our Clients.


A – F

AccorHotels Asia Pacific
AccorHotels Greater China
AccorHotels Hong Kong
ACE Insurance
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Agency for Integrated Care
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Art Science Museum (ASM)
Asia Pacific Maritime Trade Show
Asia Television Forum
AXA Insurance
BAG Networks
Baiduri Bank
Baron’s Strong Brew
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BlackBlue Media Group (BBMG)
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Bureau Pte Ltd
Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Canopy Design
Chan Brothers Travel
Charities Aid Foundation South East Asia
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Contact Centre Association of Singapore
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ESSEC Business School
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G – N

Gems Advisors (Asia) Pte Ltd
George P. Johnson
Gold Roast White Coffee
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Grand Mercure Singapore Roxy
Hai’s Pte Ltd
Havas Media Pte Ltd
ibis Singapore
Ikeda Spa
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Kinzo Vietnam
Knowledge Management Solutions (KMS)
Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School
Lantiq Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
Lazada South East Asia
Lazy Lizard Restaurant and Bars
Mahidol University (Thailand)
Make It Work
Marina Bay Sands
McCann World Group
Mendaki (Yasan Mendaki)
Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI)
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National University of Singapore (NUS)
National University of Singapore Society (NUSS)
National Youth Council Singapore (NYC)
Navis Capital
Neo Garden Catering
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Nippon Paint

O – Z

Offset SG
One World International School
People’s Association Singapore (PA)
Persatuan Permudi Islam Singapura
PSA Corporation Ltd
Reed Exhibitions
Regent Corp-Werkz
Republic Polytechnic
Ripe Australian Fruit Juices
River Safari
RMA Contracts Pte Ltd
Shenton Wealth Holdings
Singapore Exchange (SGX)
Singapore Furniture Industries Council (SFIC)
Singapore Institute of Management (SIM)
Singapore Kindness Movement
Singapore Polytechnic
Singapore Pools
Singapore Post (SingPost)
Singapore Science Centre
Singapore Swimming Club
Singapore Tourism Board
Singapore Zoo
Singtel Telecommunications Pte Ltd
Singtel Mobile Pte Ltd
Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila
Sofitel So Singapore
Somfy Pte Ltd
ST Electronics
Standard Chartered Bank
Trend Micro Inc
TUM Asia
Upper Storey Pte Ltd
Vantage Point
Warees Investments Pte Ltd (MUIS)
Wesley Methodist Church
Wildlife Reserves Singapore
WineTime Singapore
Workforce Development Agency (WDA)
Zurich Insurance
100% Design Singapore
8i Holdings Ltd

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